In a sketch that was pure genius, Alec Baldwin and his Trump impression returned to SNL and drew the connexion that Kanye Westward is the blackness Trump.


Baldwin as Trump said, "These two are swell beloved friends of mine, a couple of existent Chicago types if y'all know what I mean. And cheers, Kanye, for giving me a pair of sneakers because they are white and broad and never going to be as much as you say they are. We take an amazing dejeuner to go to. Simply first I'grand certain that Kanye wants to make a few cursory lucid remarks."

SNL perfectly captured Kanye'due south crazy, "First, let me brainstorm with the idea that time is the myth of infinite amounts of universe, and I'm a prisoner in a dissimilar dimension. Accept I lost anyone so far? Okay. Then nosotros'll talk about trapped doors. Like the 13th amendment is a trapped door. And if you are installing a floor, aka the constitution, why would you lot build a trap door? When you tin end upward with the Unabomber."

To make information technology clear, Kanye said, "And I don't desire to brag, bro, I don't want to brag, simply I take a high IQ, I'1000 a stable genus, I have a big encephalon, and I have the all-time words."

The kicker was when Trump realized, "Oh, my god he's black me this is like existence visited by the ghost of Christmas black, quick, look at Jim brown instead."

It was a dandy sketch that captured both the futility of Trump'due south desperate publicity stunt and the completely insane deterioration of the White Business firm under Donald Trump. It isn't just that Kanye Westward is crazy, merely that his crazy was allowed into the Oval Office and given a national platform by this president.

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